How To Make Better Decisions Using The Right B2B Data W/ Dave Elkington [Podcast]

This episode I speak with Dave Elkington, founder of Dave has a rich background in tech, venture capital, and corporate development. He has been involved in the evolution and definition of the inside sales industry and speaks regularly on the topic. Dave is also co-author of the groundbreaking Lead Response Management industry study which was published in the Harvard Business Review.
In our conversation we discuss:
The forces that are causing massive change in the way B2B companies must operate today and in the future
Benchmarks for where most companies sit on the sales and marketing tech adoption curve
The fact that not all data is created equal
The most effective way for marketing to share data with sales that is actually useful and meaningful for them
Why AI has increased in popularity in recent years
Additional Resources:
Lead Response Management industry study
How Marketing and Sales Leaders Can Create A Single Source of Truth (The Alignment Blog)